In our project we are trying to emulate ISO14443-3 PICC in NFC reader ACS ACR122U and read that card with NFC phones (Samsung S3 or S4). In case of S4 we can successfully communicate with the emulated card but in case of S3 there is no NFC event.
We noted all command/response and logs from Android (logcat) which indicates S3 can not activate LLCP communication. I am posting all data we have, please help us in resolving issue.
COMMAND/RESPONSE to ACR122u (PN532 controller in reader):
RESPONSE:D5870000A4040C05A00000000100 (Data we want to send to emulated card from NFC phone)
Response D58D08E080
indicates card reader emulated as:
- ISO/IEC 14443-4 PICC --> YES
- DEP --> NO
- FRAMING TYPE --> Mifare
Now when we put S4 over the reader we have following log:
02-10 10:23:13.711: I/BrcmNci(3355): --
02-10 10:23:13.711: I/BrcmNci(3355): TX: Type 4 Tag Command (13 bytes)
02-10 10:23:13.711: I/BrcmNci(3355): CLA:0x00
02-10 10:23:13.711: I/BrcmNci(3355): INS:0xA4(Select)
02-10 10:23:13.711: I/BrcmNci(3355): P1:0x04(Name)
02-10 10:23:13.711: I/BrcmNci(3355): P2:0x00(First or Only)
02-10 10:23:13.711: I/BrcmNci(3355): Lc:0x07(7)
02-10 10:23:13.711: I/BrcmNci(3355): Data(7 bytes)
02-10 10:23:13.711: E/AudioResampler(2497): Unsupported sample format, 1 bits, 2 channels
02-10 10:23:13.716: I/BrcmNci(3355): 00 : d2 76 00 00 85 01 01
02-10 10:23:13.716: I/BrcmNci(3355): Le:0x00(0)
02-10 10:23:13.716: I/BrcmNci(3355): --
02-10 10:23:13.716: I/AudioHardwareTinyALSA(2497): AudioStreamOutALSA::write setDevice
02-10 10:23:13.741: I/BrcmNci(3355): --
02-10 10:23:13.741: I/BrcmNci(3355): RX: Type 4 Tag Response (2 bytes)
02-10 10:23:13.746: I/BrcmNci(3355): SW:0x6A82(Not Found)
02-10 10:23:13.746: I/BrcmNci(3355): --
02-10 10:23:13.746: I/BrcmNci(3355): --
02-10 10:23:13.746: I/BrcmNci(3355): TX: Type 4 Tag Command (12 bytes)
02-10 10:23:13.746: I/BrcmNci(3355): CLA:0x00
02-10 10:23:13.746: I/BrcmNci(3355): INS:0xA4(Select)
02-10 10:23:13.746: I/BrcmNci(3355): P1:0x04(Name)
02-10 10:23:13.746: I/BrcmNci(3355): P2:0x00(First or Only)
02-10 10:23:13.746: I/BrcmNci(3355): Lc:0x07(7)
02-10 10:23:13.746: I/BrcmNci(3355): Data(7 bytes)
02-10 10:23:13.746: I/BrcmNci(3355): 00 : d2 76 00 00 85 01 00
02-10 10:23:13.746: I/BrcmNci(3355): --
02-10 10:23:13.786: I/BrcmNci(3355): --
02-10 10:23:13.786: I/BrcmNci(3355): RX: Type 4 Tag Response (2 bytes)
02-10 10:23:13.786: I/BrcmNci(3355): SW:0x6A82(Not Found)
02-10 10:23:13.786: I/BrcmNci(3355): --
02-10 10:23:14.996: I/BrcmNci(3355): --
02-10 10:23:14.996: I/BrcmNci(3355): RX: Type 4 Tag Response (2 bytes)
02-10 10:23:14.996: I/BrcmNci(3355): SW:0x9000(Command Completed)
02-10 10:23:14.996: I/BrcmNci(3355): --
But in case we try to use the S3, we get only this log:
01-07 03:16:47.555: D/NFCJNI(2694): Discovered P2P Target
01-07 03:16:47.555: D/NfcService(2694): LLCP Activation message
01-07 03:16:48.880: D/NFCJNI(2694): Discovered P2P Target
01-07 03:16:48.885: D/NfcService(2694): LLCP Activation message
01-07 03:16:51.860: D/NFCJNI(2694): Discovered P2P Target
01-07 03:16:51.860: D/NfcService(2694): LLCP Activation message
01-07 03:16:53.185: D/NFCJNI(2694): Discovered P2P Target
01-07 03:16:53.185: D/NfcService(2694): LLCP Activation message
01-07 03:16:58.870: D/NFCJNI(2694): Discovered P2P Target
01-07 03:16:58.870: D/NfcService(2694): LLCP Activation message
And any Android app registering to any NFC event is not woken up. It seems their is some compatibility issue between the S3 and the card reader or some NFC implementation issue with the S3.
Can you please let us know why there is that communication difference between the two phones when both have the same OS version (i.e. Android 4.3). Why does not the S3 get beyond beyond "LLCP Activation message"?
System information of both phones we are using can be found here