
I want to make sure the instance has passed the two status checks(System/Instance reachability check) using command line.

When I run this

ec2-describe-instance-status XX($InstanceID)

it would show running instances like

INSTANCE    $InstanceID $REGION running 16

But when I tried adding a filter to make sure the instance passed the status check

ec2-describe-instance-status XX($InstanceID) --filter instance-status.reachability=passed
ec2-describe-instance-status XX($InstanceID) --filter "instance-status.reachability=passed"
ec2-describe-instance-status --filter instance-status.reachability=passed

nothing ever returned.

I've double-checked the instances are running fine and actually passed the 2 status checks, but why nothing is returned after applying the filters?

Update: In response to Rico, I tried the -v option

ec2-describe-instance-status -v

returns one item in the instanceStatusSet, with the fields



ec2-describe-instance-status --filter instance-status.reachability=passed -v
ec2-describe-instance-status --filter "instance-status.reachability=passed" -v

both return an empty instanceStatusSet...

It works fine for me. Can you try running it with the verbose option ? ec2-describe-instance-status --filter instance-status.reachability=passed -vRico
Thanks for the suggestion. I tried but still failed. I'll update this in the post.user2684206
Or are there any other ways to check the status?user2684206

1 Answers


Use the AWS Command Line Interface unified tool instead.

aws ec2 describe-instance-status --instance-ids i-01234567 --filters Name=instance-status.reachability,Values=passed
"InstanceStatuses": [
        "InstanceId": "i-01234567",
        "InstanceState": {
            "Code": 16,
            "Name": "running"
        "AvailabilityZone": "us-west-2c",
        "SystemStatus": {
            "Status": "ok",
            "Details": [
                    "Status": "passed",
                    "Name": "reachability"
        "InstanceStatus": {
            "Status": "ok",
            "Details": [
                    "Status": "passed",
                    "Name": "reachability"