
EDIT: I have since solved this problem by simply reworking my MXML-based app and using the SWFLoader component to get the desired effect, without any reloading necessary. This question is therefore no longer an issue for me, but I leave it open for reference.

In MXML, I can get the desired effect easily:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"
  <mx:SWFLoader width="100%" height="100%"

It looks like this:

(external SWF fills stage) http://www.ubuntu-pics.de/bild/40036/screenshot_028_MSd0UZ.png

I'm new at ActionScript, though, so I can't quite figure out how to duplicate this without MXML. Here's the relevant class:

package {
  import flash.net.URLRequest;
  import flash.display.DisplayObject;
  import flash.display.Loader;
  import flash.events.Event;

  public class Asset extends Loader {
    public var id:int;
    private var preview:Preview;
    private var swfContent:DisplayObject;
    public var zone:int;

    public function Asset(data:Object) {
      id = data.id;
      zone = data.zone;

    public function loadInto(previewToSet:Preview):void {
      preview = previewToSet;
      var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest(url);
      contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onCompleteHandler);

    private function onCompleteHandler(loadEvent:Event):void {
      swfContent = loadEvent.currentTarget.content;
      swfContent.scaleX = 1;
      swfContent.scaleY = 1;

    private function get url():String {
      return id + ".swf";

In the loadInto function I give the Asset a sprite to live on, and it starts to load. I can get pretty close by setting scaleX and scaleY each to 1, but I can't quite figure out why it's not at the top, and why the SWF is just a bit to large.

(external swf slightly off) http://www.ubuntu-pics.de/bild/40040/screenshot_029_4pHKNI.png

How can I duplicate MXML's 100% height and width in pure ActionScript? Is it doable? If not, I have a fallback app in pure MXML, but my implementation there involves loading the SWFs every time I want to add or remove any one of them... it's not perfect. So I'd prefer this type of implementation if I can just figure out the sizing issue.


Note to world: currently playing with the thought of just using the MX SWFLoader component in the ActionScript itself. Not sure why that didn't occur to me at first.Matchu

3 Answers


Use the resize event from the stage object and each time the resize event is fired resize the content according to that:

stage.addEventListener(Event.RESIZE, onResize);

public function onResize(e:Event):void{

try adding

stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;

to the start of your class then size and place the loaded image to

loadedimage.x = loadedimage.y = 0;
loadedimage.width = stage.stageWidth;
loadedimage.height = stage.stageHeight;

This sound like the anchor point of your swf is not precisely in it's corner. Try offsetting the x and y position in your code, or, even better, modifying the swf to have the anchor point in the corner ?