So I have a three column data frame that has Trials, Ind. Variable, Observation. Something like:
df1<- data.frame(Trial=rep(1:10,5), Variable=rep(1:5, each=10), Observation=rnorm(1:50))
I am trying to plot a 95% conf. Interval around the mean for each trial using a rather inefficient method as follows:
b$mean<- aggregate(Observation~Variable, data=df1,mean)[,2]
b$sd <- aggregate(Observation~Variable, data=df1,sd)[,2]
b$Variable<- df1$Variable
b$Observation <- df1$Observation
b$ucl <- rep(qnorm(.975, mean=b$mean, sd=b$sd), each=10)
b$lcl <- rep(qnorm(.025, mean=b$mean, sd=b$sd), each=10)
c <- ggplot(b, aes(Variable, Observation))
c + geom_point(color="red") +
geom_smooth(aes(ymin = lcl, ymax = ucl), data=b, stat="summary", fun.y="mean")
This is inefficient since it duplicates values for ymin, ymax. I've seen the geom_ribbon methods but I would still need to duplicate. However, if I was using any kind of smoothing like glm, the code is much simpler with no duplication. Is there a better way of doing this?
References: 1. R Plotting confidence bands with ggplot 2. Shading confidence intervals manually with ggplot2 3.
is discrete. How about using boxplots? Not exactly the same, but maybe good enough for your purposes? Or is your real variable continuous? – BrodieGVariable
unfortunately is continuous(100+ data-points), otherwise boxplot would have been perfect. – user2217564stat
or something more efficient. – user2217564summary
but haven't found a way that would make it work. – user2217564