As asked before by others in 2012, see links below, I like to know if my Rails views are covered in my specs/cucs. I know that in 2012 the answer was that there was no solution. I was wondering if there is a solution now in 2014? I searched the web and did not find much, so I fear the answer is the same.
I want to know if my cucumber features cover all parts of the API (in this case the GUI). When I add GUI functionality (new view, button, etc) but I somehow forget to add a cuccie for it, I want to get a notification. So it's not so much that I want to cover everything in my views, but I want to prevent that I unintentionally forget to add a cuccie for new user features. Hence reducing the chances of code not working in production.
I found the following links, mentioned above:
- How to test code coverage for Rails ERB templates?
- How do I get coverage for view specs with rspec, rails, and simplecov?
A potentially interesting approach that I want to look into is: