I am currently in Step 3 of the processing on getting an oauth token/secret from an user trying to login via Twitter. https://dev.twitter.com/docs/auth/implementing-sign-twitter
Step 3 tells me to send this request to the API, but I am stuck as to how to do so. I currently have BOTH the oauth_token and oauth_verifier, but how do I send this POST request to get the oauth_token, oauth_token_secret pair?
Is there a standard Oauth Ruby gem I can use to send this POST request? I see examples online where I pass an @accessToken object, but i do not have such an object available. I just have the oauth_token and oauth_verifier (as strings). Given these 2 things, how do I convert them to an oauth_token and oauth_token_secret?
POST /oauth/access_token HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: themattharris' HTTP Client
Host: api.twitter.com
Accept: */*
Authorization: OAuth oauth_consumer_key="cChZNFj6T5R0TigYB9yd1w",
Content-Length: 57
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded