I am having an issue with the xaml parser not liking my binding statement but i cannot see anything wrong with the statement.
Invalid attribute value {Binding VehicleSpeed, ConverterParameter={Binding InMiles}, Converter={StaticResource SpeedConverter}, Mode=TwoWay} for property DataMemberBinding
VehicleSpeed and InMiles are parameters on the class that I have in the DataContext property of the xaml top level grid of the xaml document.
This statement used to work without the ConverterParameter by it is now complaining after added the second binding to the "bool InMiles" that i am trying to pass through to the ValueConverter.
If anyone can see anything wrong with this line please let me know.
property indicates "Please display speed in Miles per hour" or it means "the current value in theVehicleleSpeed
prorperty is in units of Miles per hour". Which is it?. Also what is the data type ofVehicleSpeed
and what type of control are you binding to? – AnthonyWJones