I have a DICOM image with a mask on. It looks like a black background with a white circle in the middle (area not covered and zeroed with the mask).
The code for which is:
import numpy as np
import dicom
import pylab
ds = dicom.read_file("C:\Users\uccadmin\Desktop\James_Phantom_CT_Dec_16th\James Phantom CT Dec 16th\Images\SEQ4Recon_3_34\IM-0268-0001.dcm")
lx, ly = ds.pixel_array.shape
X, Y = np.ogrid[0:lx, 0:ly]
mask = (X - lx/2)**2 + (Y - ly/2)**2 > lx*ly/8 # defining mask
ds.pixel_array[mask] = 0
print np.std(ds.pixel_array) # trying to get standard deviation
pylab.imshow(ds.pixel_array, cmap=pylab.cm.bone) # shows image with mask
I want to get the standard deviation of the pixel values INSIDE the white circle ONLY i.e. exclude the black space outside the circle (the mask).
I do not think the value I am getting with the above code is correct, as it is ~500, and the white circle is almost homogenous.
Any ideas how to make sure that I get the standard deviation of the pixel values within the white circle ONLY in a Pythonic way?