
I'm talking about Eclipse (3.5 = Galileo), running under Kubuntu 9.10 and I have the Subversive plugin.

I've been moved from Gnome-Ubuntu to Kubuntu, and one side effect was that some fonts are now just too tiny to read.

File names in the explorer have a decent size, but folders are shown in a too-small font, and after having adjusted all the fonts in General|Appearance|Colors and Fonts the folders are unchanged.

Maybe I'm just blind. I'd appreciate it if someone could point me to where I can adjust the font for folders in the Package Explorer

from Gnome-Ubuntu to Kubuntu heresy! :)Pascal Thivent
@Pascal: I agree. This change was done against my will, and I'm still having a hell of a time adjusting to it. Nothing works like it used to!Carl Smotricz
I didn't really mean to troll, this was more a kind of joke, even if I prefer gnome :) Should I understand that it's a corporate move BTW? Interesting if it is. Just for the record, I know there was a gtk-qt-engine package in earlier times (to make gtk applications look good under KDE) but this project has been abandoned (no maintainer). So this doesn't really help you but you should maybe dig a bit in this direction.Pascal Thivent
Oh, I understood that. This is a bit like the vi/emacs wars. But yeah, at my workplace we used to run on Fedora 6 or so (ancient and using Gnome) and we finally pushed through an upgrade to Ubuntu. But because our Linux "expert" (who submitted the upgrade request on our behalf) prefers KDE, we got Kubuntu. And the admins refused to install both Gnome and KDE or make it switchable, so our group (about 30 people) is now on KDE whether we want it or not. And we ain't got no root. :(Carl Smotricz

3 Answers


Eclipse is supposed to respect the OS settings but it turns out on Mac OS X the default setting for eclipse is to use small Fonts rather than the standard os fonts. On Mac OS X you can change edit the eclipse.ini file and remove -Dorg.eclipse.swt.internal.carbon.smallFonts restart eclipse and presto you will find that your package explorer looks brilliant with reasonable sized fonts.

To find the eclipse.ini on a Mac, right click on Eclipse.app, then select "show package contents", then you will find the ini file in Eclipse.app/Contents/MacOS/eclipse.ini


It'll use the default GTK+ font settings, as Eclipse is a GTK application. You may have to install Gnome's Appearance preference applet to get a GUI to change it.


Feedback on success:

It seems that in Kubuntu, any fonts not explicitly specified in Eclipse's preferences come from the system. Eclipse is a Gnome app, so its fonts (among other stuff) are controlled by

System Settings | Appearance | GTK+ Appearance

...and there I was able to fiddle the fonts to my satisfaction.

My thanks to Andrew Aylett!