I am fairly new to C# and Mark's library NAudio. So I've tried learning by myself and I've come up with an basic audio player. But I have a problem.
When trying to load big files in the player the app freezes for 2-10 seconds while loading the entire file (I suppose). This is my code for reading the file:
if (target.EndsWith("mp3") || target.EndsWith("Mp3") || target.EndsWith("MP3"))
NAudio.Wave.WaveStream pcm = NAudio.Wave.WaveFormatConversionStream.CreatePcmStream(new NAudio.Wave.Mp3FileReader(target));
stream = new NAudio.Wave.BlockAlignReductionStream(pcm);
All I really want is to read the file in parts. Like a buffer. Read 10 seconds from the HDD to RAM memory, then after those 10 seconds run out, read the next 10 seconds, and so on. I think this should resolve the freeze issue I have with large files.
if (target.Upper().EndsWith("MP3"))
. – venerik