I'm currently implementing a FreeRTOS-based program on the Arduino platform.
I would like to use the Arduino MEGA 2560 Rev3 (which is based on an ATmega2560) for this project, but I couldn't find a working port.c file.
Could anyone please share a working port.c ?
I'm using Eclipse IDE, WinAVR, AVR Plugin, Arduino Lib, FreeRTOS 7.6.0 (I will eventually switch to v8.0.0) and C++ as the main programming language.
I've came across avrfreertos which generates a FreeRTOS static library for the ATmega2560, but when I link my project against it, I get the following error:
c:/winavr-20100110/bin/../lib/gcc/avr/4.3.3/../../../../avr/bin/ld.exe: section .task [00003282 -> 0000328f] overlaps section .data [00003282 -> 0000339d]
make: *** [MY_PROJECT_NAME.elf] Error 1
I found a fix for the linking problem