I am the one who has built the aforementioned special build of IntraWeb SSL dlls. To complete the answers above let me explain why there has been the need for a special build:
Previous Indy and IntraWeb editions used a slightly modified version of OpenSSL. The modifications include several functions related to e.g. timezone calculations which were not available in Delphi or Indy at that time.
So when somebody used a unmodified set of OpenSSL dlls (not the Indy OpenSSL dlls) together with an older Indy or IntraWeb version he will get the "Could not load SSL Library" error because of the missing exports.
Since the Indy version we use with Delphi 2009 there is no need for these changes anymore. That is why a current Indy version - from SVN even with Delphi 2007 - together with IntraWeb works with the dlls from slproweb too (which don't include these modifications).
But please note that the slproweb dlls do require the MS VC++ runtime dlls.
To circumvent this I regularly create an own set of dlls for Indy:
As of today you should be fine using this edition:
My set of dlls don't require the installation of the MC VC runtimes.
So it's safe to say that any Indy version newer than Delphi 2009 and/or the corresponding SVN revision are safe to use with the slproweb (with VC dependencies) or our own (from fulgan mirror) dlls.