
I have installed Eclipse IDE for Java EE developers and installed the IBM Worklight Plugin successfully.

The icon for Worklight is being shown up in my Toolbar. Now when I click on Worklight Project and then Further on Hybrid Mobile App option, it doesn't work at all. It just stops and if I click any other option, it displays this message:

An error has occurred. See error log for more details. com/worklight/studio/mobilemarketplace/plugin/handlers/TemplateHandler

What should I do?

Which OS is it? Which Eclipse version are you using? Which version of Worklight?Daniel A. González
I'm using Windows 8 (64-bit). Eclipse 4.3.0 IBM Worklight Developer Edition V6.1Goku
Try with 4.3.1 (Worklight supports 4.2.2 and 4.3.1).Idan Adar

1 Answers


Make sure you use either Eclipse Jave EE 64bit 4.2.2 ("Juno" SR2) or 4.3.1 ("Kepler" SR1). These are the Eclipse versions supported by Worklight.


  1. After extracting Eclipse, use it with a new workspace
  2. Then install the Worklight Studio plug-in from Eclipse > Help > Eclipse Markpetplace
  3. Once installed, click the Worklight icon from the toolbar
  4. Provide a project name
  5. Choose "Hybrid Application" > click Next
  6. Provide an application name > click Finish

The above process successfully created a new Worklight project and application for me.