
On Linux, Sublime Text shows the full path of my currently open file in the title bar by default, but on OS X, it only shows the name of the file.

How can I configure Sublime on OS X to show the full path to the currently open file in the title bar?

For those who are looking for file path in the status bar, there is a plugin Statusbar Pathunifreak

3 Answers


With Sublime Text 3, all that's necessary is to edit your Sublime user preferences (Preferences -> Settings - User) to include:

  // ... other settings
  "show_full_path": true

Then, restart sublime so the new settings are loaded.

This will override the OS X-specific default value for this option, which is false.


Should be the same for Sublime Text 2/3 (Tested on OSX Yosemite)

  1. While in sublime go to your "Sublime Text 2/3" menu and move down to "Preferences ->" then go down to "Settings - User" this will open your user settings in Sublime

  2. If you have never added any user setting it should just contain some comments. If so you can just paste in the following:

One setting

// Settings in here override those in "Default/Preferences.sublime-settings", and  
// are overridden in turn by file type specific settings.  
"show_full_path": true  

Two settings
( one setting per line and separated by a , )

// Settings in here override those in "Default/Preferences.sublime-settings", and  
// are overridden in turn by file type specific settings.  
"show_full_path": true, 
"save_on_focus_lost": true  
  1. Now save this settings file.

  2. Now you should be able to see the full path in the title bar.

(NOTE: for me I didn't need to restart Sublime see the path in the title bar, but I think I had to when I was using the Windows version of the program)

FYI in Sublime's full screen mode/distraction free mode, you need to move your pointer to the top of the screen to see the title bar.

I usually just run Sublime where I have manually sized my window to be the full size of the screen so I can always see the title bar.

Just for clarification when you read:

//Show the full path to files in the title bar.  
// On OS X, this value is overridden in the platform specific settings, so  
// you'll need to place this line in your user settings to override it."

It was trying to tell you to modify the Sublime Text User Settings not any OSX system settings.


In Sublime Text 3 for Mac OS X:

1) Add "show_full_path": true to your Sublime Text / Preferences / Settings - User file. Add this line even though it already appears as true in the default prefs. Terminate the line with a comma (,) if you include it among other prefs. Save your changes.

2) Quit and relaunch Sublime.

Unlike other user prefs, you won't see this change until you relaunch the app.