
Giving Neo4j 2.0 a go (from binaries, in windows) with the Hubway Data Challenge dataset from the Neo4j website. All loaded fine in 2.0 (setting the allow_store_upgrade=true).

Looking at the graph/data in the Neo browser interface it seems that this particular dataset uses featues in the neo4j-spatial plugin. The plugins directory is empty, apart from the README file but the browser interface shows spatial layer, geometries, RTREE_ROOT relationship types and geomencoder etc property keys. Also, the properties, having clicked a node, show things like org.neo4j.gis.spatial....

If the plugins dir is empty, why do these entries exist in the graph? Does 2.0 have spatial built in? Please see the image below.Hubway Data, Neo4j 2.0


1 Answers


The spatial features where used when building this dataset from Spring-Data-Neo4j using the spatial features. You can copy databases and the structure stays in there.

If you add the spatial plugin to your plugins directory you can also execute spatial cypher queries against that dataset.

Things like these: http://neo4j.github.io/spatial/#rest-api-find-geometries-in-a-bounding-box-using-cypher