I'm trying to figure out how to use modes in my grammar and i'm confused about how to import lexer grammars with different modes into a combined grammar. It's hopefully something simple but i can't figure it out.
Basically i'm trying to create a grammar that will recognize a regexp string- so a string that starts with any non-whitespace character and then ends with a newline. Looking at how to use modes in the antlr4 book, i came up with this lexer grammar:
lexer grammar hlex;
REG : REGLIMIT -> more, mode(REG_MODE) ;
REGLIMIT : [ ]* ~[ \t\r\n] ;
mode REG_MODE ;
REGEND : [ ]+'\r'? '\n' ->mode(DEFAULT_MODE) ;
TEXT : . -> more ;
Now i'd like to import this into a combined grammar. I use the following combined grammar: (The prefix stuff is something every line needs to start with but isn't part of the regexp).
grammar h;
import hlex ;
value : op=PREFIX REG ;
| 'DW:' ;
WS : [ \t\r\n]+ -> skip ;
This is where my problems begin.
I run:
java -classpath ./antlr-4.1-complete.jar org.antlr.v4.Tool h.g4
which says:
warning(125): h.g4:5:18: implicit definition of token 'REG' in parser
This confuses me - REG is defined in the import - so why is ANTLR having to create an implicit definition ?
And then when i try to compile *.java, it says:
hLexer.java:75: error: cannot find symbol
case 1: more(); _mode = REG_MODE; break;
symbol: variable REG_MODE
location: class hLexer
I'm not sure what i'm missing here. It's probably something really simple but i can't figure it out.
There was another stack overflow question : Lexer modes from imported grammar is not identified in combined grammar. Compilation error after clicking 'run in testRig' Antlrworks2 which indicated that multi-mode lexer grammar imports are not being handled correctly.
But in that case i'm confused about how to use multiple modes at all - i tried to split the lexer into 2 grammar files:
file hlex1.g4:
lexer grammar hlex1;
import hlex2 ;
REG : REGLIMIT -> more, mode(REG_MODE) ;
REGLIMIT : [ ]* ~[ \t\r\n] ;
and file hlex2.g4
lexer grammar hlex2 ;
mode REG_MODE ;
REGEND : [ ]+'\r'? '\n' ->mode(DEFAULT_MODE) ;
TEXT : . -> more ;
But antlr4 complains at hlex2.g4 sayig it's surprised by unexpected "mode".
So i'm stumped. Any ideas what i'm missing ?