Using clojure I have a very large amount of data in a sequence and I want to process it in parallel, with a relatively small number of cores (4 to 8).
The easiest thing to do is use pmap
instead of map
, to map my processing function over the sequence of data. But the coordination overhead results in a net loss in my case.
I think the reason is that pmap
assumes the function mapped across the data is very costly. Looking at pmap's source code it appears to construct a future
for each element of the sequence in turn so each invocation of the function occurs on a separate thread (cycling over the number of available cores).
Here is the relevant piece of pmap's source:
(defn pmap
"Like map, except f is applied in parallel. Semi-lazy in that the
parallel computation stays ahead of the consumption, but doesn't
realize the entire result unless required. Only useful for
computationally intensive functions where the time of f dominates
the coordination overhead."
([f coll]
(let [n (+ 2 (.. Runtime getRuntime availableProcessors))
rets (map #(future (f %)) coll)
step (fn step [[x & xs :as vs] fs]
(if-let [s (seq fs)]
(cons (deref x) (step xs (rest s)))
(map deref vs))))]
(step rets (drop n rets))))
;; multi-collection form of pmap elided
In my case the mapped function is not that expensive but sequence is huge (millions of records). I think the cost of creating and dereferencing that many futures is where the parallel gain is lost in overhead.
Is my understanding of pmap
Is there a better pattern in clojure for this sort of lower cost but massively repeated processing than pmap
? I am considering chunking the data sequence somehow and then running threads on larger chunks. Is this a reasonable approach and what clojure idioms would work?