I'm working on a cloud endpoints backend and want to restrict certain operations to admin users.
My current code works like this:
@ApiMethod(httpMethod = "PATCH", name = "item.update", path = "items")
public Item update(Item newObject, User user)
throws UnauthorizedException, OAuthRequestException {
OAuthService oAuthService = OAuthServiceFactory.getOAuthService();
if (!oAuthService.isUserAdmin()) {
throw new UnauthorizedException("Only admin users can modify content.");
I know app engine has a concept of user roles, but I'm curious if Endpoints do. I've tried using the OAuthService.isUserAdmin() call but that doesn't seem to be working out very well and the docs have a big old warning saying
Note: You should not confuse Endpoints auth with the auth for non-Endpoints App Engine web apps described in the article on configuration settings https://developers.google.com/appengine/articles/auth in the Admin Console, where you also specify the user login requirement in your web.xmlhttps://developers.google.com/appengine/docs/java/config/webxml#Security_and_Authentication file. That approach is not used with Endpoints."
Do I have to create some sort of authorization myself that uses the User object that's passed into the update method? Any thoughts?