A guy I work with gave me the EC2 credentials to log onto his EC2 console. I was not the one who set it up. Some of the instances show a public dns name and others have a blank public DNS. I want to be able to connect to the instances that have a blank public DNS. I have not been able to figure out why these show up as blank.
19 Answers
There is a actually a setting in the VPC called "DNS Hostnames". You can modify the VPC in which the EC2 instance exists, and change this to "Yes". That should do the trick.
I ran into this issue yesterday and tried the above answer from Manny, which did not work. The VPC setting, however, did work for me.
Ultimately I added an EIP and I use that to connect.
In my case I found the answer from slayedbylucifer and others that point to the same are valid.
Even it is set that DNS hostname: yes
, no Public IP is assigned on my-pvc (only Privat IP).
It is definitely that Auto assign Public IP has to be set
If it is not selected, then by default it sets toUse subnet setting (Disable)
This is the tip provided to resolve the issue which does not work:
Tip - If your instance doesn't have a public DNS name, open the VPC console, select the VPC, and check the Summary tab. If either DNS resolution or DNS hostnames is no, click Edit and change the value to yes.
Assuming you have done this and you are still not getting a Public IP then go over to the subnet in question in the VPC admin screen and you will probably discover "Auto-Assign Public IP" is not set to yes. Modify that setting then, and I know you don't want to here this, create a new instance in that subnet. As far as I can tell you cannot modify this on the host, I tried and tried, just terminate it.
For me problem was in subnet settings.
- Open https://console.aws.amazon.com/vpc
- Go to subnets in left menu
- Choose your subnet
- Modify auto-assigning IP settings to enable
Here I will summarize the most common issues that occur:
When you create a custom VPC, if you want aws resources such as ec2 instances to acquire public IP addresses so that the internet can communicate with them, then you first must ensure that the ec2 instance is associated with a public subnet of the custom VPC. This means that subnet has an internet gateway associated with it. Also, you need to ensure that the security group of the VPC associated with ec2 instance has rules allowing inbound traffic to the desired ports, such as ssh, http and https. BUT here are some common oversights that still occur:
1) You must ensure that DNS hostnames is enabled for the VPC
2) You must ensure the public subnet linked to the EC2 instance has its 'auto-assignment of public ip' flag enabled
3) If the instance is already created, then you might need to terminate it and create a new instance for the public IP and public DNS fields to be populated.
Just launch another instance (and also delete the one in question if it has no use) and make sure this time you check "Autoatically assign a public IP address to your instance". If not then as slayedbylucifer suggested; assign an Elastic IP (EIP) to the instance and then log in using that IP. Be careful though, if you are running the free AWS tier, an EIP will cost you money-- that's a whole 'nother topic..
After verifying VPC and Subnet settings, my EC2 instance still didn't have a public DNS. After a day of searching for a resolution, I finally figured it out.
I had to create a new Elastic IP address, then associate it to my instance.
From the EC2 Dashboard:
Go to Elastic IPs from the sidebar.
Click Allocate new address, then Allocate.
Go back to the EC2 Dashboard. Go to Network Interfaces.
Select the EC2 instance without a public DNS. Then Actions - Associate Address.
The Address field, select the new elastic IP address.
The Associate to private IP address field, select the private IP address with no public DNS.
Click Associate Address.
Your EC2 instance should now have a public DNS.
First of all, there can be two reasons for this:
- You have created your own VPC and forgot to enable Public DNS.
To solve this :
i) Go to AWS VPC console and select the VPC you have created.
ii) Then click on Actions and then enable DNS Resolution.
- You have not enabled public ip-assign option in EC2 configuration.
Here you cannot change the setting; so create an ami image and then recreate the instance from that.
For those using CloudFormation, the key properties are EnableDnsSupport and EnableDnsHostnames which should be set to true
VPC: {
Type: 'AWS::EC2::VPC',
Properties: {
CidrBlock: '',
EnableDnsSupport: true,
EnableDnsHostnames: true,
InstanceTenancy: 'default',
Tags: [
Key: 'env',
Value: 'dev'
I tried to fix the 'no public DNS' once the EC2 was up and running, I couldnt add a public DNS
this is even after following the above steps making mods to the VPC or the Subnet
so, I had to make modifications to the subnet and the vpc, before starting another instance, and THEN start up a new instance.
the new instance had a public DNS. That is how it worked for me.
You don't have to assign public ip address to your instance. you can use NAT instances or NAT Gateway.
https://docs.aws.amazon.com/vpc/latest/userguide/VPC_Scenario2.html https://docs.aws.amazon.com/vpc/latest/userguide/vpc-nat-comparison.html
DNS hostnames: no
, but I cannot change that value and adding a new VPC doesn't give me the selection either. – WrenchDNS hostname: yes
, but it is only Private ID when the instance is started. I can only get the Public IP when an Elastic IP is used. – Chetabahana