Coming from ZendFramework 1 to ZendFramework 2 I'm a bit confused as to the functionality of the modules. In ZF1 a module was a sub-application, so you'd have a 'default' module and maybe an 'admin' module that would handle the administration section of the system and there'd be models, views, and controllers underneath each of those modules.
It seems that in ZF2 a module is more fine-grained? In the tutorial project they created an "Album" module which seems like it is only configured for a single controller. What if you wanted to maintain users and they each had a bunch of albums? Would you create another module for 'Users' with it's own controllers/views/models, or would you create a 'UserController' inside of the 'Album' module?
What if you wanted to provide an api endpoint into those controllers? Is that yet more modules, or do you provide a route in the album controller pointing to '/api/album' which specifies a rest style controller?