
I have the data output of an excel model. The model spits out all of the data you would want, but to accomplish this task, it also puts a "space" character in every cell that would otherwise be blank. - and I mean every cell, out to XFD1048576.

I need to take ranges of that data and transpose them into database format, which I'm confident I could do if I could clear the contents of any cell with a "space" in it so that - Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select - will just select data.

Is there an easy way to have VBA select the entire sheet, and clear the contents of any cell with specific content?

An example of REPLACESiddharth Rout
Siddharth Rout- Thanks! works like a charm. Looks like I need to beef up my knowledge of VBA functions.Dunce Cap Aficionado
Just realized I can't use it on every cell without giving more conditions, some of cells have data that have spaces in them between words that I need to preserve. Can this be done with an If-Then-Else in conjunction with .replace, perhaps?Dunce Cap Aficionado
@DunceCapAficionado why don't you try implementing the logic (if/then/else/etc.) for yourself, and see what happens?David Zemens
@DavidZemens You are right, I'm being lazy, I'm not sure of the syntax for operating them together but that's a good learning experience. Thanks David.Dunce Cap Aficionado

1 Answers

Public Function Get_Last_Row_Find(ByVal rngToCheck As Range) As Long
    Dim rngLast As Range
    Set rngLast = rngToCheck.Find(what:="*", searchorder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious)
    If rngLast Is Nothing Then
        Get_Last_Row_Find = rngToCheck.Row
        Get_Last_Row_Find = rngLast.Row
    End If
    If Get_Last_Row_Find <= 1 Then
        Get_Last_Row_Find = 2
    End If
End Function
Public Function Get_Last_Col_Find(ByVal rngToCheck As Range) As Long
    Dim rngLast As Range
    Set rngLast = rngToCheck.Find(what:="*", searchorder:=xlByColumns, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious)
    If rngLast Is Nothing Then
        Get_Last_Col_Find= rngToCheck.Column
        Get_Last_Col_Find = rngLast.Column
    End If
    If Get_Last_Col_Find<= 1 Then
        Get_Last_Col_Find= 2
    End If
End Function
Sub Main
    x = Get_Last_Col_Find(Activesheet.Range("A1:XFD1")
    y = Get_Last_Row_Find(Activesheet.Range("A1:A999999")
    for i = 1 to x
        for j = 1 to y
            if Activesheet.Range("A1").Offset(i-1,j-1).Value = chr(32) then
                 Activesheet.Range("A1").Offset(i-1,j-1).Value = ""
        next j
    next i

end sub

You can also try this Add In: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=21649