The predicate, which I've created does not work correctly. The predicate should count the items of all the facts in the database and "evaluate" them. (I'll explain later what I mean by "evaluation")
E.g. the facts are:
:- dynamic listitem /1.
The first predicate, I've created, collects all the facts into one list:
members(W) :- bagof(X,listitem(X),W).
Now I want to count the items in the list. So I created a general predicate for counting:
count([_|L],N) :- count(L,N1), N is N1+1.
My next predicated does not work properly. This predicate has to count all the items of the facts above.
count_members(U) :- one_list([bagof(X,listitem(X),_W)],U).
The problem is, that the database should be dynamic, so that I can add and remove other items. This means, that i cannot ask
?- count([number,letter,word,sentence],N)
as the facts might have changed.
And the last step, that does not work at all, because my last predicate is wrong, should be the following: Writing "all_members(X)" prolog should return an evaluation. E.g. prolog should return "X = four items" for the query "all_members(X)", if the number of items in the database is 4. I hope you've understood my problem. Again, the predicate that I'm searching is "all_members(X)". The other predicates I've created should help me creating the actual one.
I'll be very happy if you could help me finding the solution to my problem! (otherwise I won't be able to fall asleep tonight...) Thanks!!
Sorry, I forgot to write my definition for one_list. My thought was to make e.g. a list looking like this:
[[number], [letter], [word]]
to a list looking like this:
[number, letter, word, list]
one_list(X,[X]) :- \+ is_list(X).
one_list([X|Xs],Zs) :- one_list(X,Y), one_list(Xs,Ys), append(Y,Ys,Zs).
count_members(U) :- members(W), count(W,U).
That's how Prolog's predicates are composed. – Will Nesscount/2
. You can just uselength/2
built in predicate for the length of a list. – lurker