Im using google-api-php-client. I´m authenticating with service account and recieving TOKEN ok. Trying to insert object in Google Cloud Storage, using Google Cloud Storage JSON api.
When trying to INSERT object into BUCKET, returns: NoSuchBucket-The specified bucket does not exist. But I can assure that it does exist, as I can see in the web manager console, and already have images I´ve uploaded days ago.
The complete message says: Error calling POST{here-goes-my-existing-bucket-name}/o?uploadType=multipart&name=thec36b23baf2778d.jpg: (404)
I can confirm that the bucket exist, as I get a 200 response with full object info when running GET_BUCKET:
protected 'defaultObjectAclType' => string 'Google_Service_Storage_ObjectAccessControl' (length=42)
protected 'defaultObjectAclDataType' => string 'array' (length=5)
public 'etag' => string 'CAI=' (length=4)
public 'id' => string '{here-goes-my-existing-bucket-name}' (length=42)
public 'name' => string '{here-goes-my-existing-bucket-name}' (length=42)
protected 'ownerType' => string 'Google_Service_Storage_BucketOwner' (length=34)
protected 'ownerDataType' => string '' (length=0)
public 'selfLink' => string '{here-goes-my-existing-bucket-name}' (length=87)
Could this be an issue of the API?