
Im using google-api-php-client. I´m authenticating with service account and recieving TOKEN ok. Trying to insert object in Google Cloud Storage, using Google Cloud Storage JSON api.

When trying to INSERT object into BUCKET, returns: NoSuchBucket-The specified bucket does not exist. But I can assure that it does exist, as I can see in the web manager console, and already have images I´ve uploaded days ago.

The complete message says: Error calling POST https://www.googleapis.com/upload/storage/v1beta2/b/{here-goes-my-existing-bucket-name}/o?uploadType=multipart&name=thec36b23baf2778d.jpg: (404)

I can confirm that the bucket exist, as I get a 200 response with full object info when running GET_BUCKET:

  protected 'defaultObjectAclType' => string 'Google_Service_Storage_ObjectAccessControl' (length=42)
  protected 'defaultObjectAclDataType' => string 'array' (length=5)
  public 'etag' => string 'CAI=' (length=4)
  public 'id' => string '{here-goes-my-existing-bucket-name}' (length=42)
  public 'name' => string '{here-goes-my-existing-bucket-name}' (length=42)
  protected 'ownerType' => string 'Google_Service_Storage_BucketOwner' (length=34)
  protected 'ownerDataType' => string '' (length=0)
  public 'selfLink' => string 'https://www.googleapis.com/storage/v1beta2/b/{here-goes-my-existing-bucket-name}' (length=87)

Could this be an issue of the API?

Im have smae issue too, and the bucket already exists and have hundreds of filesscharli
I'm having the same problem since this morning.Stubbies
Also getting error in the Cloud console (web interface), return error when trying to create Folder or upload an object. So it seems a general error on the API.guillefd
Guys, we are investigating the issue. Can you please write here your bucket names? And if you don't mind, the user you are authenticating with and the default_project_id in ~/.boto.Riccardo

1 Answers


thanks for reporting this.

We are aware of the issue and our Engineers are working hard to fix this.

Meanwhile, you should be able to use gsutil as a temporary workaround.

We apologies for the inconvenience.