Relevant Modules: Rules (and dependents), Views (and dependents), VBO, Views Rules
Scenario: When adding a new node of type "Team", I would like Rules to loop through all current "Leagues" (Taxonomy) and create a duplicate team for each, setting a field of the node to the Looping "League". In this way, dding one team will result in multiple teams, each one with a field set to a Different League.
Current Setup: Drupal 7.23, all modules current. I have the View setup to return a list of Taxonomy Terms (See Resource #2) and a Rule set up so multiple copies of each Team are created upon save. (See Resource #1)
Problem: I cannot get Views to return the taxonomy terms in a format that will allow me to set a field of that content type. If it returns a rendered Taxonomy Entity, Rules throws an error, and if the View returns "Taxonomy Term: Names", Rules does not allow the values to be used to set Taxonomy Fields (data-type miss-match?).
Question: What settings will cause Views to return a Taxonomy list in an ... "Entity" ... format so that it can be used to set Taxonomy Term Reference fields within Rules?
Current Rules Config: (Screenshot)
Current Views Config: (Screenshot)