

var map = L.map('map');
L.tileLayer('//{s}.tile.cloudmade.com/41339be4c5064686b781a5a00678de62/998/256/{z}/{x}/{y}.png',{minZoom:8, maxZoom:15}).addTo(map);

marker1 = L.marker([37.4185539, -122.0829068]).addTo(map);
marker1.bindPopup("Google Campus");
marker2 = L.marker([37.792359, -122.404686]).addTo(map);
marker2.bindPopup("Financial District");
var group = new L.featureGroup([marker1, marker2]);

The above code will center the map on the center of the markers, but does not set a zoom level so that the markers and only the markers are visible.

If I leave out the 'minZoom' attribute of the map object when adding the initial layer, the entire globe is visible. My desire is to have the map set a zoom and boundaries so that the markers are visible, and zoomed in. Any clues on how to accomplish this?
I thought that the fitBounds method would set a Zoom level, but for some reason in my situation it does not do so.

Your code works very well as expected with Leaflet 0.7.1. jsfiddle.net/uVKULMics

1 Answers


Your code is setting the map to a zoom level where both of the markers are visible at the highest possible zoom level. Because of the distance between the two markers and the way web mapping works, this is best fit using raster map tiles. Higher zoom levels will be zoomed in so much that you won't be able to see both markers.