I'm having a problem while trying to deploy an adapter to Worklight Console.
I figured out that the adapter which is reading the worklight.properties file does not get deployed. But an adapter that does not read the worklight.properties file is able to deploy without any problem.
I looked at the WAS log and its seems that the unsuccessful adapter deployment was actually deployed, but then they got rollbacked (undeployed) immediately.
Using Worklight with latest iFix.
- Verified that both server and studio are using the same worklight version
- The same configuration working fine in the UAT environmenet; problem happens only in the Production environment.
The Adapter XML:
<connectionPolicy xsi:type="http:HTTPConnectionPolicyType">
<!-- Following properties used by adapter's key manager for choosing specific certificate from key store
<loadConstraints maxConcurrentConnectionsPerNode="30" />
<procedure name="getConfigData" securityTest="adapterProtectionTest" requestTimeoutInSeconds="10" />
<procedure name="getLoggingLevel" securityTest="adapterProtectionTest" requestTimeoutInSeconds="10" />
Logs captured in SystemOut.log:
com.worklight.integration.services.impl.DeployServiceImpl syncAdaptersFromDB FWLSE0084I: Deployed adapter 'xxx' successfully. com.worklight.integration.services.impl.DeployServiceImpl deleteAdapterInternal FWLSE0039I: Deleted adapter 'xxx' successfully.
From the log the adapter were deleted immediate after deployed.