
I have a Maven POM file with a plugin that runs on the test phase. What command line arguments do I have to pass mvn in order to execute just that plugin rather than all of the plugins for that phase? I am also trying to execute a specific ant-run plugin, that looks like the following:

                <ant antfile="${basedir}/jslint.xml">
                  <property name="root" location="${basedir}" />
                  <target name="jslint" />



1 Answers


Specify the fully-qualified goal in the form of:

mvn groupID:artifactID:version:goal

For example:

mvn sample.plugin:maven-hello-plugin:1.0-SNAPSHOT:sayhi

EDIT: I'm modifying my answer to cover the update of the initial question and a comment from the OP.

I won't cover all the details but, it the particular case of the antrun plugin, you could just run:

mvn antrun:run

But now that you've updated the question, I understand that things are a bit more complicated than what I thought initially and I don't think that this will actually work. I mean, invoking mvn antrun:run won't fail but it won't pick up the configuration of the execution bound to the test phase.

The only (ugly) solution I can think of would be to add another maven-antrun-plugin configuration in a specific profile, something like this:

        <ant antfile="${basedir}/jslint.xml">
          <property name="root" location="${basedir}" />
          <target name="jslint" />

And to use this profile when calling antrun:run:

mvn antrun:run -Pmyprofile-for-antrun