
So I have a web application in visual studio. I can right click on the project and click Deploy which will send the files live to the SharePoint server.

I accidentally reverted one of the pages to an older version in Visual Studio and was wondering if it's possible to get the version running live on the SharePoint server as that is the latest version.

I cannot currently deploy as this will then run and old version of the page I accidental reverted.

Where would the files be stored and how could I find them? visual Studio is running on the SharePoint server.

Thank you very much!

As I understand you have a Solution for your SharePoint (2010?). In this solution there is a Page (aspx?) file which is deployed to the SP but reverted in you VS. And you would deploy your currently reverted version? Or do you want to know where VS does deploy your Pages? What is your solution structure, pagetype, features, modules etc.?Martin
The version of the page in VS is an older version (reverted) than the one live in SharePoint. I would like to retrieve the version on share point back into VS. Are the files saved in: C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\wss\VirtualDirectories\"name of Web Application + port"Safinn
Have you tried to open the page in SharePoint Designer?Martin
I do not have SharePoint designer installed. Was wondering if there was another way. Can you also access the aspx.cs page in sharepoint designer?Safinn
Ah ok. you thought of the aspx.cs this file is not accessible by SPD.Martin

1 Answers


Visual Studio does compile your *.aspx.cs files to the *.dll file of your Solution/Project. If you want to get the code of your old *.aspx.cs file you can use Reflector or ILSpy to decompile your *.dll (actually deployed to your SharePoint) and find the old code by namespace.