I am using Selenium Grid with TestNG to test a website. The test-code, that i exported from the Selenium IDE works fine. My problem is, the tests are running sequential, not parallel.
Here is the code:
public class test{
public void startSession()
ThreadSafeSeleniumSessionStorage.startSeleniumSession("localhost",4444,"*firefox","url" );
@AfterMethod(alwaysRun = true)
public void closeSession() throws Exception
@DataProvider(name = "test")
public Object[][] test()
return new Object[][]{
@Test(dataProvider = "test")
void testen(String value1, String value2) throws Exception
My testng.xml looks like this:
suite thread-count="5" skipfailedinvocationCounts="false" verbose="1" name="Command line suite" junit="false" parallel="methods" annotations="JDK"
What am I doing wrong? The test runs only on one Selenium RC, although more than one are started.
I hope someone can help me, it is really important.