I am having problems generating long lived Access Token to update Facebook page from my desktop application.
I created a Facebook App associated with my Facebook user and stored it's app id and secret.
I created a facebook page associated with my Facebook user account.
I can create a short lived (60 minutes) access token for my app.
My desktop application is able to post to my Facebook page using the short lived access token. However, this only lasts 60 seconds and is therefore impractical.
I have been trying to generate a long lived access token using the guidance here:
Request a Page Access Token in C# SDK
However I receive an error:
"The access token does not belong to application XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"
When I try enter my short lived access token in the debug tool the box, it confirms that the access token is mine BUT it shows a different app id.
Where does this different app id come from? I only have one Facebook app defined.
I think I might be missing a fundamental point here.
Many thanks for any help you can give.