I've uploaded a SSL cert to Azure for use in a mutual auth call to a SOAP service. However I simply cannot find it in any store or location.
<clientCertificate findValue="F1F12265ABCDE9E23941234583E2668B09876B2"
x509FindType="FindByThumbprint" />
I've tried a number of different stores but repeated get the same error:
Cannot find the X.509 certificate using the following search criteria: StoreName 'My', StoreLocation 'LocalMachine', FindType 'FindByThumbprint', FindValue 'F1F12265ABCDE9E23941234583E2668B09876B2'.
Can anyone help? I've been stuck on this now for a few hours trying different combinations and googling. Seems it simply cannot see it.
store and searching for it inMy
store? – Gaurav Mantri