I'm currently working trough the Bratko Prolog book and I am looking at the bubble-sort Program. I can't seem to figure out why the cut(!
) is necessary. Say the cut isn't there, and Prolog would backtrack, how could it possibly find bad answers? Because if I leave the cut out of it, Prolog begins by giving me the correct answer but then also gives alternative bad answers.
As I see it, how can swap ever return a non sorted list? And how is it possible that a non sorted list ever hits the goal bubblesort(Sorted, Sorted)
Unless of course the first List is also being changed... Can't get my head around it.
Prolog BubbleSort program:
gt(X,Y) :- X > Y.
bubblesort(List, Sorted) :-
swap(List, List1), !, % A useful swap in List?
bubblesort(List1, Sorted).
bubblesort(Sorted, Sorted). % Otherwise list is already sorted
swap([X,Y|Rest], [Y,X|Rest]) :- % Swap first two elements
swap([Z|Rest], [Z|Rest1]) :- % Swap elements in tail
swap(Rest, Rest1).
Leaving the cut of out it gives me:
?- bubblesort([5,7,3,6,8,9,2,6], Sorted).
Sorted = [2, 3, 5, 6, 6, 7, 8, 9] ;
Sorted = [2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 6, 8, 9] ;
Sorted = [2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 6, 9] ;
Sorted = [2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 6] ;
I think that somehow I get it, but I am not sure. Could it be that at a certain moment, it backtracks over swap(List, List1)
going to the second bubble-sort predicate and hitting the goal, meaning the two lists Sorted are equal?
In English, does this mean that bubble-sort needs to continue doing swaps until no more swaps are possible, but then needs to terminate? Or does it mean that every-time a successful swap has been done, there's no use backtracking over that success?
presents an alternative ifgt(X,Y)
fails. That alternative would also be taken on a backtrack even ifgt(X,Y)
succeeds. The way thebubblesort
predicate is structured, each iteration ofbubblesort
is only looking forswap
to find the next occurrence of a necessary swap and execute it. Without the cut, you get backtracks fromswap
which don't match the needed criteria. – lurker