
I am using Jenkins to produce and distribute builds for an iOS application and for that I installed the xcode and the TestFlight plugins. The build and archiving succeed but uploading the dSYM to TestFlight fails with the following error:

"Incorrect response code: 400 The .dSYM does not correspond with this build. Are you sure you uploaded the correct one?"

I checked that the .dSYM sent is the one generated by the xcode plugin build and also checked the contents of the dSYM and everything seems fine.

I am using xcode 5 and the last stable versions for Jenkins and the xcode and Testflight plugins.

If anyone has any idea about what can be happening here, I would appreciate the help. Thanks!


2 Answers


Make sure Testflight is up and running, they have been dealing with some issues for the past weeks, you can check this URL:

Testflight Status

Also, double check all the options for the xcode plugin for Jenkins, something may be changing the dSYM file.

Make sure the option Generate Archive for the Xcode plugin is not checked, as this option has been added in the latest release of the plugin and it may be the source of the problem:

Xcode plugin - Jenkins http://goo.gl/mWuPQ0


I can verify that it is the "Generate Archive" option being checked that causes the failure. Looking through my Jenkins logs, when the xcarchive is generated, xcodebuild creates a DSYM for it that overwrites the one for the uploaded build, hence the DSYM does not correspond to the IPA. Thanks Edgar!