I'm working on an XPages project together with one other developer and we are using IBM Domino Designer 9.0. For source control we are using Git, Bitbucket and SourceTree. I created a branch (branched off from Develop) to work with. When I was finish I switched to Develop, pulled from it's remote counterpart to get the other developer's changes. Then I merged my branch into develop - no merge conflicts occurred. But when I'm opening the project in Designer i get lots of errors. E.g. when trying to open an XPage to work with I get this error:
Could not open the editor: Could not parse the .xsp-config file named CustomControls/entrySelector.xsp-config in the project C:\Program Files\IBM\Notes\Data\workspace\DS8_2fD-D\customer_5cdtu_5ctrip.nsf
I have tried to delete the project and create a new one from the ODP but it doesn't work. Also the errors are changing. Sometimes it is able to open the XPage in Designer, but then it says that the Custom Control Tag isn't valid or something like that. Maybe it's worth mentioning that the files I'm working with has nothing what so ever to do with the entrySelector.xsp custom control file.
The problem just happened again. I was working on a feature branch and wanted to merge some changes from develop into that feature branch. I did the following:
Save and Clean/Build project
Sync with ODP
Stage all files: SomeBean.java
+ 4 similar classes with other names
Commit all staged files
Checkout develop (switch from feature branch to develop)
Pull from origin/develop to develop
Checkout feature branch
Merge (from log) picked the latest commit from develop
ODP Refresh
Project.nsf sync with ODP
Clean and Build Project
BAAAM 9 Errors (the unknown tag xc:editSomething cannot be used as a control)
Maybe it's worth mentioning that none of the files above was new/untracked. They were also present in the develop branch. When I try to open the editSomething.xsp I now get this error message: Could not open the editor: An unexpected exception was thrown
This problem has kinda become somewhat of a daily struggle and it pisses me off as I don't know what I'm doing wrong.