This is my first time using story board and I've set up like 5 view controllers with UINavigationController with buttons that push to the next view controller..
So I start on VC1 and push to VC2, then click and button and push to VC3, then click a button and push to VC4, and so on... on the last screen (VC5) I have a "home" button that the user can click to go back to the home screen (VC1), I've set it up so it pushes to VC1, the problem is when the user clicks that they are taken to the homescreen but then there is a back button on the navigation bar and they can go back to the last screen? After they click home they should not be able to return to previous screens without navigating through to them like they had the first time!
How can I accomplish this? Thanks! I'm used to working with xib and programmatically controlling the UINavigationControllers so this StoryBoard stuff is very new to me haha!
, you can either pop all the way back to the controller you want, or just load it up the old fashioned way. – Kevin DiTragliapopViewControllerAnimated
on the navigation controller – Kevin DiTraglia[self.navigationController popViewControllerAnimated:YES];
and it only took me back 1 ViewController from VC5 to VC4? How do I "pop" to a specific VC like VC1? – Albert Renshaw