
I am having a strange problem, I have a column with this formula in each row respectively:


It works great, if the cell next to it is empty, make it an empty cell, if not, show the calculated length. However, when I try to use conditional formatting to make it red when the length is greater than 5, it highlights the cells that are 'blank'(have a formula in but are displaying blank). Any ideas as to why this is happening would be greatly appreciated.

PS. I am currently using Open Office 4.0.1 and it seems to work fine, but when I send the document to a client(Excel 2010) it highlights the empty cells. I have tried clearing the conditional formatting and using Excels built in conditional for-matter and it does the exact same thing.

Thanks in advance, James.

Which column are you trying to highlight?Siddharth Rout
which cell are you trying to colour? C6, D6 or B6? and what criteria did you use in your conditional formatting?Sam
My international settings are set to English-GB, the semi colons are there because I believe that is how Open-office handles formulas, also when the client opens it, it looks like excel converts the formula because it shows up with commas in excel.JamesZeinzu
I am trying to colour the cells in colum E that contain the formula shown(the idea is to highlight the cell if the result of the D6-LEN(B6) is greater than 5(it is to highlight is the user has gone over a character limit).JamesZeinzu
See the answer posted below.Siddharth Rout

3 Answers


Use this formula for conditional formatting (Tested in MS-OFFICE and not Open Office)


Note: Replace , with ; in your formula


enter image description here



enter image description here


Apparently Excel regards the empty string from a formula as having a value larger than ANY number. Just try it with numbers like 100000000 or -100000000 or 0...

This in contrast to an empty cell (or a cell without any entry, not even =""). A really empty cell has value = 0 for this comparison (again I suggest you play around with it)

Also Excel has no other way to create an empty string as a result from a formula, so in your conditional formatting you will have to check for the empty string returned from the formula. Just as Siddharth suggests change your conditional formatting formula into:


Yes this is strange behavior by Excel. And a shame an empty string and an empty cell arent the same thing for this (and many other) purpose


I've just run into a similar problem and came up with the following workaround =AND(ISNUMBER(E1), E1>5). Formulae have to be localised into the interface language of Excel. E.g. in German that becomes =UND(ISTZAHL(E1); E1>5)