
I'm developing workflows on SharePoint 2010 using Visual Studio.

I need to catch event, when user cancel running workflow from UI. User clicks on "Terminate this workflow now" link and I should add some logs to history of current workflow instance.

I added cancellationHandlerActivity for my SequentialWorkflowActivity, but cancellationHandlerActivity is not executed.

enter image description here

In MSDN I find explanation for cancellationHandlerActivity (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa349442(v=vs.85).aspx) - The CancellationHandlerActivity activity contains cleanup logic for a composite activity that is canceled before all the composite activity's child activities are finished executing.

So I thought, that cancellationHandlerActivity is what I need, but on practice - I'm wrong :(

Please, give me some advice, how i can solve my problem! I tried to find solution on the Internet, but couldn't :(


1 Answers


I found solution!

You can create your custom WrkStatPage and add your custom action on cancel event. (More information about this way)

Also in Element.xml for your workflow add property
