I have two time series (sensor data) with different temporal resolutions. A time series from the class "xts / zoo" (TS1) includes hourly values and the other time series (TS2) has a better temporal resolution (one observation every 10 minutes). I.e. for TS1 I have 24 data points (observations) per day and for TS2 I have 144 data points per day.
When I calculate TS1-TS2
for one day I get a result with 24 data points (low temporal resolution). What I would like to achieve is to obtain a result with 144 data points (as TS2, better temporal resolution).
Is it possible to achieve this in R?
That's no a trivial problem because in an hourly interval I just have one observation from TS1 and 6 observations from TS2, so I could imagine this problem can be solved if one draws a fit line between every two points of TS1 and calculate the difference between the line and the data points from TS2. But I know no R Function to do this.