
I am trying to use mysql LOAD DATA INFILE on command line to load csv file. It neither gives any error nor it loads any data. Can anyone please help me out? I am using following command

mysql> LOAD DATA INFILE '/Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/dev/__php__/mysql/data.csv'
->             INTO TABLE csvdata
->               FIELDS TERMINATED BY ','
->               OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED BY '"'
->               LINES TERMINATED BY '\n'
->               IGNORE 1 LINES;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
Records: 0  Deleted: 0  Skipped: 0  Warnings: 0

Following is my CSV file



Are you sure about the line feed in your csv? Try the \r\n or \r instead of the \nCristian Porta
thanks Critian. Line feed was missing in my CSVamique
I have answered your question, if you want to close... for the posterity ;)Cristian Porta

1 Answers


Probably your file line terminator differs from your definition in the LOAD DATA statement.

Try the \r\n or \r instead of the \n.