I have the following function (I am a very beginner at Lisp):
(defun my-fun (a b)
(my-commandsend-and-reply-macro (cmd)
(:reply (ok result)
(do-something a b result)))
where my-commandsend-and-reply-macro is a macro written by another programmer. I am unable to modify it.
my-commandsend-and-reply-macro sends a command (in this example cmd) to a server process (it is written in another programming language) and then waits for its answer. The answer is processed then in the macro using the user-given ":reply part of the code". The list (ok result) is a kind of pattern, in the macro a destructuring-bind destructures and binds the proper parts of the answer to ok and result (ok is just a flag). After this the other user-given lines of the ":reply part" are excuted. (for result processing)
I would like to do the following:
1, send a command like to the other process (this is ok)
2, call a function (like do-something) using the result AND using some other parameters which are the actual parameters of my-fun (this part fails...)
How can I do this? I think the problem is that a and b are not evaluated before the macro expansion and when the macro is expanded Lisp searches for a local a and b but there is no a or b. Is there any way to evaluate a and b? (so the macro could treat them like concrete values)
This is the macro def: (written by another programmer)
(defmacro* my-commandsend-and-reply-macro ((cmd &rest args) &body body)
(with-request-id ()
(setf (gethash *request-id* *my-callbacks*)
(lambda (status &rest status-args)
(case status
,@(loop for (kind . clause) in body when (eql kind :reply)
((status-flag &rest lambda-form-pattern)
&body action-given-by-user) clause
(destructuring-bind ,lambda-form-pattern status-args
(message "Error: %s" (elt (elt status-args 0) 1))))))
(apply #'send-command-to-process *request-id* cmd args)))))
Def of with-request-id:
(defmacro* with-request-id ((&rest vars) &body body)
"Send `getid' to the server, and call `body' once the response
with the new ID has arrived. By then, global variable `*request-id*'
is bound to the latest request ID."
(when (not (server-is-running))
(error "Server isn't running!"))
(when *reqid-queue*
(error "Some internal error occured. Please, restart the program!"))
(lexical-let (,@(loop for var in vars
collect `(,var ,var)))
(setf *reqid-queue* (lambda ()
(progn ,@body)
(setf *reqid-queue* nil)))))
And getting id from the other process:
(defun get-id ()
(send-command-to-process 'getid))
send a command like i (like do-something) n my-fun (this is ok)
– philsdefmacro*
, in comparison withdefmacro
? – Svante