I combined the answers from eyelidlessness and KimKha.
The following is an angularjs service and it supports numbers, strings, and objects.
exports.Hash = () => {
let hashFunc;
function stringHash(string, noType) {
let hashString = string;
if (!noType) {
hashString = `string${string}`;
var hash = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < hashString.length; i++) {
var character = hashString.charCodeAt(i);
hash = ((hash<<5)-hash)+character;
hash = hash & hash; // Convert to 32bit integer
return hash;
function objectHash(obj, exclude) {
if (exclude.indexOf(obj) > -1) {
return undefined;
let hash = '';
const keys = Object.keys(obj).sort();
for (let index = 0; index < keys.length; index += 1) {
const key = keys[index];
const keyHash = hashFunc(key);
const attrHash = hashFunc(obj[key], exclude);
hash += stringHash(`object${keyHash}${attrHash}`, true);
return stringHash(hash, true);
function Hash(unkType, exclude) {
let ex = exclude;
if (ex === undefined) {
ex = [];
if (!isNaN(unkType) && typeof unkType !== 'string') {
return unkType;
switch (typeof unkType) {
case 'object':
return objectHash(unkType, ex);
return stringHash(String(unkType));
hashFunc = Hash;
return Hash;
Example Usage:
Hash('hello world'), Hash('hello world') == Hash('hello world')
Hash({hello: 'hello world'}), Hash({hello: 'hello world'}) == Hash({hello: 'hello world'})
Hash({hello: 'hello world', goodbye: 'adios amigos'}), Hash({hello: 'hello world', goodbye: 'adios amigos'}) == Hash({goodbye: 'adios amigos', hello: 'hello world'})
Hash(['hello world']), Hash(['hello world']) == Hash(['hello world'])
Hash(1), Hash(1) == Hash(1)
Hash('1'), Hash('1') == Hash('1')
432700947 true
-411117486 true
1725787021 true
-1585332251 true
1 true
-1881759168 true
As you can see the heart of the service is the hash function created by KimKha.I have added types to the strings so that the sturucture of the object would also impact the final hash value.The keys are hashed to prevent array|object collisions.
eyelidlessness object comparision is used to prevent infinit recursion by self referencing objects.
I created this service so that I could have an error service that is accessed with objects. So that one service can register an error with a given object and another can determine if any errors were found.
ErrorSvc({id: 1, json: '{attr: "not-valid"}'}, 'Invalid Json Syntax - key not double quoted');
ErrorSvc({id: 1, json: '{attr: "not-valid"}'});
This would return:
['Invalid Json Syntax - key not double quoted']
ErrorSvc({id: 1, json: '{"attr": "not-valid"}'});
This would return
may work for you depending on the problem and target platform. – AnnanFaytoSource
don't work in Chrome btw – Pacerier