I am trying to find two nodes that are furthest from each other in my Neo4j Database. For the purposes of my analysis, I am considering shortest distance between the two nodes as the distance between them. Therefore, the two nodes that are furthest will have longest shortest path between them. I am using the following syntax from Cypher to find the shortest node.
Given two nodes as shown in the Neo4j example documentation http://docs.neo4j.org/chunked/milestone/query-match.html#match-shortest-path, I can run the following Cypher query.
MATCH p = shortestPath((martin:Person)-[*..15]-(oliver:Person))
WHERE martin.name = 'Martin Sheen' AND oliver.name = 'Oliver Stone'
My database has over 1/2 million nodes. The brute force way will obviously take a long time. Is there any easy or faster way to get the two nodes?
[As an extra wrinkle .. the graph is weighted but this detail can be ignored.]