In short, my team has a mobile site and an app in the appstore. We have added the meta tag to show the smart app banner. I saw it and everything worked as expected. Problem is, I just closed the banner and now it doesn't reappear. I did the same thing with the smart app banner with the same results.
Currently, we're using the iPad with IOS7 and I have read all over that it is a cookie preventing the reappearance of the banner. I have cleared Safari's cache and cookies numerous times, made sure to close safari from memory, run safari in private mode, and I've even rebooted the iPad but those dismissed smart banners still don't reappear. Is there something I'm missing? Most of what I've read about the cookies seem to be specific to IOS6, is there a difference here with IOS7? Anyone have an idea as to how to make these dismissed smart app banners reappear?