I am using Crystal Reports 2008 (, and can't seem to force specific colors in a pie chart.
We are analyzing selected measurement topic (MT) scores of elementary and middle school students. The report has five groups, and the chart is going into the Group 3C Footer (where a parameter can cause it to be suppressed if desired). I have a database column Score that can have values from 0.000 to 4.000. To enjoy some sanity for the resulting charts I impose granularity with the @LetterGrade formula:
SELECT {Reporting_CFSD_MT_Scores_A;1.Score}
CASE IS >= 3.5 : "ADV" // Advanced
CASE IS >= 3.1 : "PRO+" // Proficient Plus
CASE IS >= 3.0 : "PRO" // Proficient
CASE IS >= 2.5 : "APP" // Approaching Proficiency
CASE IS >= 2.0 : "BASI" // Basic
DEFAULT : "BLB" // Below Basic
In the Chart Expert >> Data tab, I've got On Change Of @LetterGrade with specified order based on the order in the formula above, and my Show Value is Count of @LetterGrade. The resulting pie chart gives me the break down of grades that I need.
The problem is that I want each of the six pie slices to have a specific color -- from bottom to top: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, (Dark) Violet -- rather than accept the default colors. I thought I could go to the Color Highlight tab in the Chart Expert and have six entries (e.g., @LetterGrade = "ADV" sets a custom color of dark violet (and I've tried it with and without the quotes around the string)), but the first pie slice is always blue, the second is always tan, the third is always green, etc., regardless of what value it represents.
Am I misunderstanding the purpose of the Color Highlight tab? Is it not possible to set custom pie slice colors in this version of Crystal Reports (after more hoops than I care to think about I'm finally downloading SP5, but at the rate its coming in I may not have it fully downloaded until tomorrow; God help me if the solution is in one of the six 5.X or 6.X Fix Packs)? Or am I just missing a trick somewhere?
EDIT: For giggles I changed the sort order on the Data tab from a specified order to ascending order and now the pie slices are exactly the colors I wanted. So it appears that I can either specify the display order of the slices and have to accept the default colors, or I can let it display in an undesirable order and get the colors I want. Sounds like a bug to me, unless someone knows a trick for getting around this.