I need some solution in ExtJS.I have tree store:
var storeTree = Ext.create('Ext.data.TreeStore', {
expanded: false,
proxy: {
type: 'ajax',
url: 'getOneLevelChilds',
root: {
text: 'Ext JS',
id: 'src',
expanded: true,
and when my tree loads at the first time I load last selected child (for example yesterday I open tree and select one. I saved it's JSON on database. so now Expand my tree)
url: 'getLastSelectedChild'
OK, everything works! but now I need some solution.
when I load my tree at the startup (when it was loaded) I have JSON:
{"id":3, "text":"first",},
{"id":4, "text":"second",},
id:"0", text: "third", expanded: true, children:
id:"1", text: "child1", leaf: true
id:"2", text: "child2", leaf: true
but I also save selected node id in database. I know that id="2" was selected yeasterday. How can I select automatically that node at startup? (Only at startup, only when my tree will be loaded). how can I do that?
P.S when I use proxy in tree Store, selection is not workin like this:
var record = this.getStore().getNodeById('1');
but it works when I dont use Proxy.
and also, I need that selection only at sturtup