
I am running a web reports portal to access reports via the ReportViewer. Some reports are SSRS 2005 and others SSRS 2008. There is one ReportExecution reference and a ReportingServices2005 and ReportingServices2010 reference. If a user runs a 2005 report and then a 2008 report the reportexecution is lost. Error message is: The report execution ifjzab55k5icxl4510oyfsmt has expired or cannot be found. (rsExecutionNotFound) I tried creating a separate ReportExecution to be used by the ReportingServices2010 reference but I get the same error. P.S. I’m a newbie.


1 Answers


I've done it. I used the ReportServiceVersionEnum to set ReportingServicesVersion and called the appropriate ReportExecution service depending on which version was used.