I have 2 textarea that I am switching back and forth. A timymce text editor textarea and a normal text area. Whatever I inputted in the tinymce text editor should be reflected to the normal text area also and vice versa. I have done this successfully through onclick event in javascript but not with onchange and onblur. I want to get it like how I get it using onclick event. Is there anyway to do this? If none, can somebody gives me another solution? Thanks for the help. Here is my code:
<div id="tabs">
<li class="rich_zone"><a class="rich_text" href="#tabs-1">Rich Text Editor</a></li>
<li class="normal_zone"><a class="normal_text" href="#tabs-2">Normal Text</a></li>
<div class="row" id="tabs-1" style="clear:both;">
<div class="span7"><?php echo form_textarea($course_desc);?> </div>
<div class="row" id="tabs-2" style="clear:both;">
<div class="span7"><?php echo form_textarea($course_desc_normal);?> </div>
my javascript onclick event (working successfully):
var normal_text = $(".course_desc_normal").val();
var rich_text = tinymce.get('course_desc').getContent({format:'text'});
javascript onchange event (not working)
var normal_text = $(".course_desc_normal").val();
var rich_text = tinymce.get('course_desc').getContent({format:'text'});
javascript onblur event (not working)
var normal_text = $(".course_desc_normal").val();
var rich_text = tinymce.get('course_desc').getContent({format:'text'});