I have 2 EARS. The first EAR contains all the jars with the interfaces (EAR_INTERFACE.ear). These interfaces are marked as remote.
The second ear contains the ejbs(EAR_EJB). These ejbs implement the @remote interfaces from the first ear.The EJBs are stateless and have mappedName. In order to get the reference to the ejb i do a jndi lookup using the mappedName of the ejb in my second EAR.
Here i face the issue, i am not able to get the reference to the Remote EJBs. If the interface and ejbs are in the same EAR, then lookup is successful, but it fails between different EARs.
I am using glassfish server v2.1, ejb 3.0.
I searched for this issue and found out about parent child EARs. Will this solve my issue. If yes how to implement this. Do i need to mention something in application.xml of the EAR.
Please suggest me the best option to solve the issue.