Anybody have any solution for this. When backup run on the schedule time 12am every night, It says the backup job completed successfully but I cannot see the backup file on the drive.
Job Message Details
Date 10/6/2013 12:00:02 AM
Log Job History (MaintenanceJob_FullBackup)
Step ID 2
Job Name MaintenanceJob_FullBackup
Step Name 2 - Taking Full backup of the database
Duration 00:27:16
Sql Severity 0
Sql Message ID 3014
Operator Emailed
Operator Net sent
Operator Paged
Retries Attempted 0
Message Executed as user: XXX\YYY. ...e 'WorkForceDW' on file 1. [SQLSTATE 01000] (Message 4035) Processed 4 pages for database 'WorkForceDW', file 'WorkForceDW_log' on file 1. [SQLSTATE 01000] (Message 4035) BACKUP DATABASE successfully processed 1396804 pages in 118.187 seconds (96.817 MB/sec). [SQLSTATE 01000] (Message 3014) Processed 12616 pages for database 'msdb', file 'MSDBData' on file 1. [SQLSTATE 01000] (Message 4035) Processed 8 pages for database 'msdb', file 'MSDBLog' on file 1. [SQLSTATE 01000] (Message 4035) BACKUP DATABASE successfully processed 12624 pages in 1.474 seconds (70.159 MB/sec). [SQLSTATE 01000] (Message 3014) Processed 160 pages for database 'model', file 'modeldev' on file 1. [SQLSTATE 01000] (Message 4035) Processed 2 pages for database 'model', file 'modellog' on file 1. [SQLSTATE 01000] (Message 4035) BACKUP DATABASE successfully processed 162 pages in 0.300 seconds (4.410 MB/sec). [SQLSTATE 01000] (Message 3014) Processed 488 pages for database... The step succeeded.
But When I run the job manually, the backups are lying on the drive. There is no issue.
The job contains three two steps;
1st step, delete previous day backup
2nd Step - Take the Full backup of the database
Error Log Info
2013-10-06 23:30:06.98 Backup Log was backed up. Database: BI_SCM, creation date(time): 2011/06/01(17:33:39), first LSN: 1258:42:1, last LSN: 1260:42:1, number of dump devices: 1, device information: (FILE=1, TYPE=DISK: {'G:\Backup\Log Backup\BI_SCM_201310062330.trn'}). This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
2013-10-06 23:30:07.34 Backup Log was backed up. Database: Castorone, creation date(time): 2011/08/24(13:21:36), first LSN: 1165:42:1, last LSN: 1167:42:1, number of dump devices: 1, device information: (FILE=1, TYPE=DISK: {'G:\Backup\Log Backup\Castorone_201310062330.trn'}). This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
2013-10-07 00:00:15.47 spid17s This instance of SQL Server has been using a process ID of 11984 since 10/6/2013 1:01:43 AM (local) 10/5/2013 5:01:43 PM (UTC). This is an informational message only; no user action is required.
2013-10-07 00:02:05.63 Backup Database backed up. Database: WorkForceDW, creation date(time): 2013/05/16(11:05:26), pages dumped: 1398413, first LSN: 7664:61792:77, last LSN: 7664:61877:1, number of dump devices: 1, device information: (FILE=1, TYPE=DISK: {'G:\Backup\Full Backup\WorkForceDW_20131007_000006.BAK'}). This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
2013-10-07 00:02:07.82 Backup Database backed up. Database: msdb, creation date(time): 2005/10/14(01:54:05), pages dumped: 12705, first LSN: 160998:536:291, last LSN: 160998:728:1, number of dump devices: 1, device information: (FILE=1, TYPE=DISK: {'G:\Backup\Full Backup\msdb_20131007_000006.BAK'}). This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
2013-10-07 00:02:08.66 Backup Database backed up. Database: model, creation date(time): 2003/04/08(09:13:36), pages dumped: 179, first LSN: 325:304:37, last LSN: 325:328:1, number of dump devices: 1, device information: (FILE=1, TYPE=DISK: {'G:\Backup\Full Backup\model_20131007_000006.BAK'}). This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
2013-10-07 00:02:09.62 Backup Database backed up. Database: master, creation date(time): 2013/10/06(01:01:39), pages dumped: 523, first LSN: 19299:168:68, last LSN: 19299:208:1, number of dump devices: 1, device information: (FILE=1, TYPE=DISK: {'G:\Backup\Full Backup\master_20131007_000006.BAK'}). This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
2013-10-07 00:02:11.20 Backup Database backed up. Database: JDE_MOTO, creation date(time): 2011/07/05(08:36:10), pages dumped: 9485, first LSN: 1330:45:37, last LSN: 1330:61:1, number of dump devices: 1, device information: (FILE=1, TYPE=DISK: {'G:\Backup\Full Backup\JDE_MOTO_20131007_000006.BAK'}). This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
2013-10-07 00:27:15.87 Backup Database backed up. Database: iSRPCTR, creation date(time): 2008/11/29(09:14:29), pages dumped: 17088688, first LSN: 9274017:21496:124, last LSN: 9274018:8346:1, number of dump devices: 1, device information: (FILE=1, TYPE=DISK: {'G:\Backup\Full Backup\iSRPCTR_20131007_000006.BAK'}). This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
2013-10-07 00:27:20.38 Backup Database backed up. Database: distribution, creation date(time): 2008/11/12(10:54:54), pages dumped: 38947, first LSN: 293959:3426:111, last LSN: 293959:3495:1, number of dump devices: 1, device information: (FILE=1, TYPE=DISK: {'G:\Backup\Full Backup\distribution_20131007_000006.BAK'}). This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
2013-10-07 00:27:21.36 Backup Database backed up. Database: DataMirror, creation date(time): 2008/11/12(13:45:51), pages dumped: 299, first LSN: 27820:44:37, last LSN: 27820:60:1, number of dump devices: 1, device information: (FILE=1, TYPE=DISK: {'G:\Backup\Full Backup\DataMirror_20131007_000006.BAK'}). This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
2013-10-07 00:27:22.34 Backup Database backed up. Database: Castorone, creation date(time): 2011/08/24(13:21:36), pages dumped: 1677, first LSN: 1167:44:37, last LSN: 1167:60:1, number of dump devices: 1, device information: (FILE=1, TYPE=DISK: {'G:\Backup\Full Backup\Castorone_20131007_000006.BAK'}). This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
2013-10-07 00:27:23.26 Backup Database backed up. Database: BI_SCM, creation date(time): 2011/06/01(17:33:39), pages dumped: 268, first LSN: 1260:44:37, last LSN: 1260:60:1, number of dump devices: 1, device information: (FILE=1, TYPE=DISK: {'G:\Backup\Full Backup\BI_SCM_20131007_000006.BAK'}). This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
2013-10-07 00:30:03.24 Backup Log was backed up. Database: DataMirror, creation date(time): 2008/11/12(13:45:51),
first LSN: 27820:16:1, last LSN: 27820:66:1, number of dump devices: 1, device information: (FILE=1, TYPE=DISK: {'G:\Backup\Log Backup\DataMirror_201310070030.trn'}). This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
2013-10-07 00:30:03.30 Backup Log was backed up. Database: JDE_MOTO, creation date(time): 2011/07/05(08:36:10), first LSN: 1330:41:1, last LSN: 1330:67:1, number of dump devices: 1, device information: (FILE=1, TYPE=DISK: {'G:\Backup\Log Backup\JDE_MOTO_201310070030.trn'}). This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
2013-10-07 00:30:04.17 Backup Log was backed up. Database: iSRPCTR, creation date(time): 2008/11/29(09:14:29), first LSN: 9274016:22762:1, last LSN: 9274018:8377:1, number of dump devices: 1, device information: (FILE=1, TYPE=DISK: {'G:\Backup\Log Backup\iSRPCTR_201310070030.trn'}). This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
2013-10-07 00:30:04.21 Backup Log was backed up. Database: BI_SCM, creation date(time): 2011/06/01(17:33:39), first LSN: 1260:42:1, last LSN: 1260:66:1, number of dump devices: 1, device information: (FILE=1, TYPE=DISK: {'G:\Backup\Log Backup\BI_SCM_201310070030.trn'}). This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
2013-10-07 00:30:04.25 Backup Log was backed up. Database: Castorone, creation date(time): 2011/08/24(13:21:36), first LSN: 1167:42:1, last LSN: 1167:66:1, number of dump devices: 1, device information: (FILE=1, TYPE=DISK: {'G:\Backup\Log Backup\Castorone_201310070030.trn'}). This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
2013-10-07 01:00:04.88 Backup Log was backed up. Database: DataMirror, creation date(time): 2008/11/12(13:45:51), first LSN: 27820:66:1, last LSN: 27822:16:1, number of dump devices: 1, device information: (FILE=1, TYPE=DISK: {'G:\Backup\Log Backup\DataMirror_201310070100.trn'}). This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
2013-10-07 01:00:05.47 Backup Log was backed up. Database: JDE_MOTO, creation date(time): 2011/07/05(08:36:10), first LSN: 1330:67:1, last LSN: 1332:41:1, number of dump devices: 1, device information: (FILE=1, TYPE=DISK: {'G:\Backup\Log Backup\JDE_MOTO_201310070100.trn'}). This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
2013-10-07 01:00:06.39 Backup Log was backed up. Database: iSRPCTR, creation date(time): 2008/11/29(09:14:29), first LSN: 9274018:8377:1, last LSN: 9274020:1617:1, number of dump devices: 1, device information: (FILE=1, TYPE=DISK: {'G:\Backup\Log Backup\iSRPCTR_201310070100.trn'}). This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
2013-10-07 01:00:06.58 Backup Log was backed up. Database: BI_SCM, creation date(time): 2011/06/01(17:33:39), first LSN: 1260:66:1, last LSN: 1262:55:1, number of dump devices: 1, device information: (FILE=1, TYPE=DISK: {'G:\Backup\Log Backup\BI_SCM_201310070100.trn'}). This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
2013-10-07 01:00:07.21 Backup Log was backed up. Database: Castorone, creation date(time): 2011/08/24(13:21:36), first LSN: 1167:66:1, last LSN: 1169:41:1, number of dump devices: 1, device information: (FILE=1, TYPE=DISK: {'G:\Backup\Log Backup\Castorone_201310070100.trn'}). This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
2013-10-07 01:30:04.74 Backup Log was backed up. Database: DataMirror, creation date(time): 2008/11/12(13:45:51), first LSN: 27822:16:1, last LSN: 27824:16:1, number of dump devices: 1, device information: (FILE=1, TYPE=DISK: {'G:\Backup\Log Backup\DataMirror_201310070130.trn'}). This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
2013-10-07 01:30:05.57 Backup Log was backed up. Database: JDE_MOTO, creation date(time): 2011/07/05(08:36:10), first LSN: 1332:41:1, last LSN: 1334:16:1, number of dump devices: 1, device information: (FILE=1, TYPE=DISK: {'G:\Backup\Log Backup\JDE_MOTO_201310070130.trn'}). This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
2013-10-07 01:30:06.54 Backup Log was backed up. Database: iSRPCTR, creation date(time): 2008/11/29(09:14:29), first LSN: 9274020:1617:1, last LSN: 9274022:880:1, number of dump devices: 1, device information: (FILE=1, TYPE=DISK: {'G:\Backup\Log Backup\iSRPCTR_201310070130.trn'}). This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
2013-10-07 01:30:07.05 Backup Log was backed up. Database: BI_SCM, creation date(time): 2011/06/01(17:33:39), first LSN: 1262:55:1, last LSN: 1264:42:1, number of dump devices: 1, device information: (FILE=1, TYPE=DISK: {'G:\Backup\Log Backup\BI_SCM_201310070130.trn'}). This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
2013-10-07 01:30:07.88 Backup Log was backed up. Database: Castorone, creation date(time): 2011/08/24(13:21:36), first LSN: 1169:41:1, last LSN: 1171:41:1, number of dump devices: 1, device information: (FILE=1, TYPE=DISK: {'G:\Backup\Log Backup\Castorone_201310070130.trn'}). This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
2013-10-07 01:46:17.16 spid143 Configuration option 'user options' changed from 0 to 0. Run the RECONFIGURE statement to install.
2013-10-07 01:46:23.77 spid211 DBCC CHECKDB (distribution, noindex) executed by sa found 0 errors and repaired 0 errors. Elapsed time: 0 hours 0 minutes 6 seconds. 2013-10-07 02:00:05.41 Backup Log was backed up. Database: DataMirror, creation date(time): 2008/11/12(13:45:51), first LSN: 27824:16:1, last LSN: 27826:16:1, number of dump devices: 1, device information: (FILE=1, TYPE=DISK: {'G:\Backup\Log Backup\DataMirror_201310070200.trn'}). This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
2013-10-07 02:00:07.21 Backup Log was backed up. Database: JDE_MOTO, creation date(time): 2011/07/05(08:36:10), first LSN: 1334:16:1, last LSN: 1336:16:1, number of dump devices: 1, device information: (FILE=1, TYPE=DISK: {'G:\Backup\Log Backup\JDE_MOTO_201310070200.trn'}). This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
2013-10-07 02:00:08.26 Backup Log was backed up. Database: iSRPCTR, creation date(time): 2008/11/29(09:14:29), first LSN: 9274022:880:1, last LSN: 9274024:141:1, number of dump devices: 1, device information: (FILE=1, TYPE=DISK: {'G:\Backup\Log Backup\iSRPCTR_201310070200.trn'}). This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
2013-10-07 02:00:09.21 Backup Log was backed up. Database: BI_SCM, creation date(time): 2011/06/01(17:33:39), first LSN: 1264:42:1, last LSN: 1266:42:1, number of dump devices: 1, device information: (FILE=1, TYPE=DISK: {'G:\Backup\Log Backup\BI_SCM_201310070200.trn'}). This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
2013-10-07 02:00:10.31 Backup Log was backed up. Database: Castorone, creation date(time): 2011/08/24(13:21:36), first LSN: 1171:41:1, last LSN: 1173:41:1, number of dump devices: 1, device information: (FILE=1, TYPE=DISK: {'G:\Backup\Log Backup\Castorone_201310070200.trn'}). This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
2013-10-07 02:12:56.81 spid211 DBCC CHECKDB (iSRPCTR, noindex) executed by sa found 0 errors and repaired 0 errors. Elapsed time: 0 hours 26 minutes 32 seconds.
2013-10-07 02:15:31.37 spid218 Replication-Replication Distribution Subsystem: agent SGKSLTUSQL04CLT-iSRPCTR-DDO-SGKFEPYDBS02029-68 scheduled for retry. TCP Provider: The semaphore timeout period has expired.
2013-10-07 02:30:05.61 Backup Log was backed up. Database: DataMirror, creation date(time): 2008/11/12(13:45:51), first LSN: 27826:16:1, last LSN: 27828:16:1, number of dump devices: 1, device information: (FILE=1, TYPE=DISK: {'G:\Backup\Log Backup\DataMirror_201310070230.trn'}). This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
2013-10-07 02:30:06.17 Backup Log was backed up. Database: JDE_MOTO, creation date(time): 2011/07/05(08:36:10), first LSN: 1336:16:1, last LSN: 1338:41:1, number of dump devices: 1, device information: (FILE=1, TYPE=DISK: {'G:\Backup\Log Backup\JDE_MOTO_201310070230.trn'}). This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
2013-10-07 02:30:06.75 Backup Log was backed up. Database: iSRPCTR, creation date(time): 2008/11/29(09:14:29), first LSN: 9274024:141:1, last LSN: 9274026:98:1, number of dump devices: 1, device information: (FILE=1, TYPE=DISK: {'G:\Backup\Log Backup\iSRPCTR_201310070230.trn'}). This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
2013-10-07 02:30:07.35 Backup Log was backed up. Database: BI_SCM, creation date(time): 2011/06/01(17:33:39), first LSN: 1266:42:1, last LSN: 1268:41:1, number of dump devices: 1, device information: (FILE=1, TYPE=DISK: {'G:\Backup\Log Backup\BI_SCM_201310070230.trn'}). This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
2013-10-07 02:30:08.08 Backup Log was backed up. Database: Castorone, creation date(time): 2011/08/24(13:21:36), first LSN: 1173:41:1, last LSN: 1175:16:1, number of dump devices: 1, device information: (FILE=1, TYPE=DISK: {'G:\Backup\Log Backup\Castorone_201310070230.trn'}). This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
2013-10-07 03:00:04.39 Backup Log was backed up. Database: DataMirror, creation date(time): 2008/11/12(13:45:51), first LSN: 27828:16:1, last LSN: 27828:42:1, number of dump devices: 1, device information: (FILE=1, TYPE=DISK: {'G:\Backup\Log Backup\DataMirror_201310070300.trn'}). This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
2013-10-07 03:00:04.45 Backup Log was backed up. Database: JDE_MOTO, creation date(time): 2011/07/05(08:36:10), first LSN: 1338:41:1, last LSN: 1338:43:1, number of dump devices: 1, device information: (FILE=1, TYPE=DISK: {'G:\Backup\Log Backup\JDE_MOTO_201310070300.trn'}). This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
2013-10-07 03:00:04.55 Backup Log was backed up. Database: iSRPCTR, creation date(time): 2008/11/29(09:14:29), first LSN: 9274026:98:1, last LSN: 9274026:2323:1, number of dump devices: 1, device information: (FILE=1, TYPE=DISK: {'G:\Backup\Log Backup\iSRPCTR_201310070300.trn'}). This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
2013-10-07 03:00:04.59 Backup Log was backed up. Database: BI_SCM, creation date(time): 2011/06/01(17:33:39), first LSN: 1268:41:1, last LSN: 1268:43:1, number of dump devices: 1, device information: (FILE=1, TYPE=DISK: {'G:\Backup\Log Backup\BI_SCM_201310070300.trn'}). This is an informational message only. No user action is required.'