
Using java swing, I want to print with accurate physical dimensions irrespective to user's printer and its resolution

e.g: i want to print exactly 5cm x 3cm rectangle on paper.

I don't know how to find the current dpi for selected printer (consider even select printer might have multiple configuration for dpi which user might change from print dialog box while printing).


2 Answers


Java's printing API pretty much "assumes" 72dpi, even though it can print to printers with a much higher resolution then this.

This makes things much easier, as you simply don't need to care.

Essentially, you can convert cm to pixels by converting to dpi...

double cms = 5;
pixels = (cms * 0.393700787d) * 72
// 0.393700787d is the number of cms per inch ;)

Take a look at How to design an image in java to be printed on a 300 dpi printer for further details


Printer understands length/paper size in points only using java API. 1 inch contains 72 points on paper. Hence you need to refer (inch * 72)